More than Memories, A legacy

Grounded Journals:

A collection of prompted albums, giving farm & ranch families a simple way to preserve their memories and special moments.

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Grounded Journals Original Collection:

It's pretty simple, really:

Step 1: make memories

Step 2: easily record and cherish forever

Farmers & Ranchers are rich

Rich with stories.

Stories of our success and struggles. Joyful moments and lessons learned.

I remember some of the stories from the generations before me, but I know I was only told bits and pieces of all they experienced.

I wanted to create a way for farmers and ranchers to preserve their memories for generations to come.

Grounded Journals Memoir and Yearly albums make it simple for farm and ranch families to record their speical moments.

Meet the creator

Mary Pat- MP for short

The idea for Grounded Journals came from a conversation I had with my husbands grandparents. We were talking about the history of the farm and my grandmother-in-law said she wished she had written more down.

That stuck with me, and four years later I've created journals that make it simple for farm and ranch families to record their family legacies.