We started planting on April 13, which is the same exact date we started in 2023 as well! I wouldn't have made that connection so quickly if I didn't have my 10-Year Crop Journal. I could scroll back on my Instagram or in my phone's camera roll, but I don't know if I would have taken the time to do that. When I looked in my Grounded Journal I noticed and made the connection instantly.
It's been so fun to look back and compare our experiences year-to-year. We started with near perfect planting conditions. Soil temperatures and moisture were right where we like to see them. The weather is going to turn a little colder and rainy, but we aren't too concerned about it. We cold germ test all of our seed since we're in the northern part of Illinois and it's prone to get colder through planting season no matter when we start.
I'm most excited for our kids this growing season. They're a little older and both of them love to be outside. Harper is alllmmoooosttt potty trained and it feels like we're creeping out of the toddler phase. Both Josh and I agree this has been the most fun stage for our kids. We're REALLY enjoying it!
I hope you can take some time to think about what you're looking forward to this season, goals you might have or projects that you want to work on. I like to use the Additional Notes and Stories pages to write about personal and family things I want to remember. Hank just learned how to drive the lawn mower and he likes to practice backing up with a little trailer we have for it. Kid can drive and back up better than I can. Harper is a total animal lover but she keeps getting kitty scratches and she doesn't like that. She also loves to be with me in the tractor. It's going to be a good season ❤️